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   Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Mechanics

by Arvind Kumar Dubey

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 265.50
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  This book, Engineering Mechanics, is designed as a textbook to cater the need of students and teachers. It covers essential topics like mathematics and mechanics, systems of units, vector, Newton`s laws of motion, centroid, moment of inertia (area), friction as well as coplanar concurrent and noncurrent systems of forces.

The book is written in a simple way so as to make the text within the comprehension of students. The mathematical part too has been simplified. The text is accompanied with explanatory figures. All this make the students enjoy the subject while they learn. Inclusion of selected exercises and problems make the book educational in nature. It should thus be a useful textbook as well as reference book.

Salient Features

This book is designed to meet the complete requirements of Engineering Mechanics, course of undergraduate syllabus.
The authors have taken special care to use various methods to explain the theoretical concepts.
Emphasis has been laid on drawing correct free body diagrams and applying the laws of Mechanics.
Special attentions have been given to ensure that the theories and solutions to the problems have a mathematical approach.
For better understanding each chapter is provided with examples and worked out examples.
The authors have illustrated various methods to solve a particular problems. Questions those have been asked in earlier examinations of the different universities are also included as examples and worked out examples.
To help the learner check his ability each chapter is provided with relevant exercises at the end of the chapter.
Problems have been solved by vectorial methods as well as analytical methods. ISBN - 9788122423969

Pages : 444
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