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   A Primer of Statistical Mechanics

A Primer Of Statistical Mechanics

by R.B. Singh

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 449.10
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  The book presents difficult concepts of statistical mechanics in most elementary form.

It begins with microscopic state of a many-particle system. In the first chapter, it explains how to obtain the number of ways of distributing distinguishable and indistinguishable particles in different energy states subject to the condition that total energy is fixed, by examples for both kinds of particles: bosons and fermions.

Chapter II develops the concepts of phase space, µ - space and g - space.

Chapter III is devoted to the development of concept of ensemble. The fundamental postulates of statistical mechanics principle of equal a priori probability and ergodic hypothesis are discussed here.

Chapter IV gives a brief account of thermodynamic functions, energy, entropy, free energies and their connection with partition function.

In chapter V, the well-known distribution laws M-B, B-E and F-D are derived.

Chapter VI discusses the applications of F-D statistics to electron gas, thermionic emission and B-E statistics to Bose system and black-body radiation. At the end a comparison of the three statistics and the validity criterion of classical regime are given.

Chapter VII presents the translational, rotational and vibrational partition functions, thermodynamic functions of ideal monatomic gas, Gibb`s paradox.

The last chapter is devoted to the application of partition function to specific heat problems. Einstein model and Debye model for calculation of specific heat of solids are given. ISBN - 9788122418873

Pages : 122
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