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   Elements of Group Theory for Physicists

Elements Of Group Theory For Physicists

by Avinash W. Joshi

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 180.00
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  The study of group theory has become indispensable in several branches of physics and physical chemistry. This book presents development of mathematics of group theory for applications to quantum mechanics, crystallography and solid state physics. For proper comprehension of representation theory, such diverse but relevant topics as Hilbert spaces, function spaces, operators, and direct sum and product of matrices are thoroughly discussed. Various concepts have been explained consistently by the use of the C4v. Besides it contains an improved and more general proof of the Schur?s first lemma and an interpretation of the orthogonality theorem in the language of vector spaces. Throughout the text complicated notations are avoided and attention is given to details.

This is a valuable book for senior students and researchers in physics and physical chemistry. A thorough understanding of the methodology and results contained in this book will provide the readers sound theoretical foundations for advanced study of quantum mechanics, solid state physics and atomic and particle physics. To help students a flow-chart explaining step by step the method of determining a parallel-running example illustrating the procedure in full details has been included. An appendix on mappings and functions has also been added. ISBN - 9788122409758

Pages : 320
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