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  Blue Hill:Hymns To Lord Jagannatha

Blue Hill:Hymns To Lord Jagannatha

by Pani Subas

  Price : Rs 295.00
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The temple town of Puri in Orissa, one of the four most sacred sites of Hindus, has major centre of Vaishnavism for almost a millennium. A deity of great antiquity, earlier known as Purushottama and Nilamadhava, Sri Jagannatha, the presiding diity of its main temple, considered as the creator of incarnations and a manifestation of the supreme divinity is identified with Krishna and Vishnu. His palatial temple, Srimandira, was built in the twelfth century and is one of the finest specimens of the Kalinga style of architecture. The elevated grounds on which the temple stands is known as Blue Hill, Blue Region and Blue Mountain, Also used as popular appellations of Jagannatha. He represents a new consciousness, the essence of which is simple surrender and the triumph of intimate devotion.Subas Pani studied English Literature and after teaching in the Post Graduate Department of Utkal University, joined the national civil service of India. He has recently completed his Ph.D. on "Rediscovering Jayadeva`s Sri Geetagovinda in the context of the Historical and Cultural eritage of Orissa and a new Verse Translation in English". His publications include Orissa, Her Monuments and Their Tales, Palm Leaf Paintings of Orissa, A Selection from the Orissa State Museum, Jagannatha Consciousness (Ed.), Balasotre, its Historical & Cultural Heritage (Ed.). His travel articles have been published in Swagat and Namaskar. Several of his translations of devotional songs in Sanskrit and Oriya into English verse have been published in Orissa Review and Srima .ISBN - 9788129103710

Pages : 232
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