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  Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Control

Environmental Pollution Monitoring And Control

by S.M. Khopkar

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 202.50
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  There is growing awareness of environmental pollution, but the problem of abatement and control remains unsolved. This is due to lack of knowledge in monitoring methodology and control measures in our teaching programmes. An attempt is made in this book to fill up this gap.

The introductory chapter covers grim picture of pollution in India and abroad. This is followed by discussion on choice of methods of monitoring and brief account of modern methods of environmental analysis. The consideration of air pollution will not be complete without the knowledge of air pollution meterology and monitoring and it is covered in next few chapters. The water pollution not only considers mode of analysis but also of treatment. The challenging problem is posed by industrial effluent and sewage from the viewpoint of treatment and control. Agricultural pollution largely encompasses ill effects of pesticides which are separately discussed.

The solid waste, hazardous waste and biomedical waste are new problems of this century. An upto date account on their characteristion, treatment and disposal are given next chapters. Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, Radiation hazards have their own role to play. Their abetment is must. Inspite of collecting large data on pollution, future planning and control cannot be undertaken without the knowledge of Environmental impact assessment and environmental modelling. These topics are briefly covered at end of book.

This book should be indispensable for graduate and postgraduate programmes in Environmental Science and Engineering with due emphasis on monitoring and control. Adequate references are provided in each chapter and also in Bibliography. This will help serious workers in Environmental Technology, practicing chemist, and Environmental Engineers ISBN - 9788122415070

Pages : 494
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