Acts of Faith is a bestselling novel written by the popular American author Erich Segal. The story revolves around three extraordinary characters, Timothy, Daniel, and Deborah. The story is about two people who belong to two different worlds who met in their childhood. After their first meeting, they are destined to cross each other’s path throughout. The leading character of the story, Daniel, is the son of a rabbi. Being a scholar himself, he is fated to follow his father’s footsteps and yet break his father’s heart. Timothy is the one who had been abandoned at birth and yet is lucky enough to find a home at the Catholic Church. At this Church, he is also offered an alluring career but the vows he takes at the Church are not strong enough to hold him back from a soul igniting passion. Deborah, the third main character, has been given an upbringing to be dutiful and obedient. She is supposed to be a perfect rabbi’s wife, and she is until she falls in love, a forbidden love that leads her to another world of rebellion. The book takes the reader through various cities including Brooklyn and Brasilia, and the holy cities of Rome and Jerusalem. The story stretches over a time period of a quarter of a century.ISBN - 9780553560701
Pages : 560