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   International Relations 3rd Edition

International Relations 3Rd Edition

by Peu Ghosh

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  The Third Edition, of this comprehensive and well-organized book, continues to dwell on the multidimensional aspects of international relations, taking into account the present undergraduate and postgraduate curricula of different universities.

Divided into 20 chapters, the book gives a panoramic view of international relations and highlights, in the process, the Third World problems and their role in international politics and national liberation movements.

Dr. Peu Ghosh, with her expertise in the subject and rich experience, gives a masterly analysis of the theory and practice of International Relations (IR) in the text.

The book begins with a detailed discussion on the evolution, nature and scope of international relations; different approaches to IR; state and non-state actors; national power; balance of power; and foreign policy. It then goes on to give a comprehensive coverage of such topics as the major world events after World War II and their impact on international relations and on international organizations such as the UN and its principal organs, regional organizations like OAU, The SAARC and ASEAN. The book concludes with a discussion on international law, international morality, Indian foreign policy, and environment and IR prominent economic institutions and arrangements (IMF, WTO, G-20 and so on).

Intended primarily as a textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Political Science and of International Relations, and under-graduate students of History, this book should also be of great value to aspirants of Civil Services examinations, and all those interested in the study of international relations.

New to this Edition

Provides a new chapter on Prominent Economic Institutions and arrangements like IMF, WTO, World Bank, G-20, IBSA, BRICS, IOR-ARC, BIMSTEC, MGC, NAFTA, MERCOSUR
Analyzes the current Indian Foreign Policy till December 2012
Includes a new section on bilateral relations of India with USA, Russia, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan with special emphasis on India’s Look-East Policy
Table of Contents
1. The Discipline of International Relations: Meaning, Evolution, Nature and Scope
2. Theories and Approaches to the Study of International Relations
3. International System and the Role of Actors and Non-State Actors
4. Basic Concepts in International Relations
5. Foreign Policy: Concepts and Techniques
6. Cold War and Evolution of Post-Cold War World
7. The Third World
8. Non-Aligned Movement
9. Neo-Colonialism
10. Regional Arrangements and their Role in International Relations
11. The United Nations and International Relations
12. Disarmament and Arms Control
13. Globalization
14. Development and International Relations
15. Human Rights
16. Terrorism
17. International Law, International Morality and World Public Opinion
18. Indian Foreign Policy
19. Environment and International Relations
20. Prominent Economic Institutions/Arrangements
Index ISBN - 9788120347236

Pages : 512
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