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   Systems Based Integrated Nutrient Management

Systems Based Integrated Nutrient Management

by B. Gangwar , V.K.Singh

  Price : Rs 2250.00
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  SYSTEM BASED INTEGRATED NUTREINT MANAGEMENT: Integrated nutrient management involving different organic sources like FYM, vermi-compost, crop residue, green manure, Bio-fertilizer and in-situ role of legumes along with balanced nutrient use (major and micro-nutrients) deserves due attention. In fact, based on series of experiments and studies conducted all over the country with reference to nutrient management for various crop as applicable to varying soil environment representing different agro-climatic zones have been generated at national level but the system based informations on integrated nutrient management is still lacking and yet to be documented. In this publication chapter 1, 3 and 4 deals with general issues and management options for integrated nutrient management with special reference to irrigated eco-system, while chapter 2 focused on crop residue management. The chapter 5 and 10 are enlightens the soil-test based nutrient management for sustainable soil health, while chapters 6 and 7 are related to nutrient economy through integrated farming system and inclusion of legumes under cereal based cropping systems. The chapter 8 is focused on integrated nutrient management in rice-wheat cropping system, while chapter 9 on oilseed based, 11 on soybean based, 13 on vegetable and chapter 23 on seed spices based cropping systems. The issues related to SSNM, protected agriculture, soil chemical, biological and microbial diversity are discussed in chapter 12, 14 and 18, respectively. The aspects related to system based nutrient budgeting, soil carbon management and sequestration, balanced crop nutrition in relation to crop diseases, economics and nutrient modeling have been duly discussed in chapters from 19 to 25.ISBN - 9789381450055

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