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  Building Materials

Building Materials

by S.K. Duggal

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 315.00
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  This revised edition contains the manufacturing processes physical and mechanical properties, economics and applications of building materials in sequential and lucid manner. Updated coverage of the newly developed building materials, combined with a plethora of exercises and objective type questions, makes this an excellent offering on the subject. Besides serving as a textbook for students of undergraduate programmes in the discipline of civil engineering, the revised edition will also be useful for the students undertaking course on concrete technology.


A systematic exposition of basic principles and applications of commonly used materials.
Mechanical and physical properties of various materials with emphasis on strength and durability.
Influence of various factors on these properties.
Causes of defects, their prevention and remedies.
Testing procedure of materials.

Salient features

Expanded coverage of building materials
New materials of recent development
Numerous revision of data and substitution as per the revised codes of practice
Updated testing procedures

The book would serve as a thorough text for undergraduate students of civil engineering, architecture and construction technology. Practising engineers, architects and contractors would also find it a valuable reference source.
ISBN - 9788122433791

Pages : 612
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