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  One Hundred Years of Plant Pathology in India : An Overview

One Hundred Years Of Plant Pathology In India : An Overview

by S.S. Chahal, R.K. Khetarpal, T.S. Thind

  Price : Rs 1675.00
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  Spectacular achievements have been made in the field of plant pathology in India during the last one hundred years. The book makes a modest attempt to highlight the major achievements. Renowned experts have made contributions in their respective fields. The first chapter highlights the status of plant pathology in India before 1905 and sets the stage for an overview of the developments made in the last 100 years. Chapters on significant achievements and current status of knowledge has been contributed by leading experts on mycology, bacteriology, virology and nematology, and also on epidemiological research, fungicide research, biological control, host plant resistance against pathogens and on the application of biotechnological approaches for management of plant diseases. This covered the major broad areas of research in plant pathology. Besides, non conventional chapters encompassing the areas of international co-operation, policy issues and uncommon opportunities are also included along with the role of professional societies of plant pathology in India. Though the volume by no way is a complete account of the vast ocean of information available on various aspects of the subject, it is anticipated that the diverse areas covered in this volume will serve as a roadmap for the younger generation of plant pathologists and policy makers alike who have greater challenges ahead to resolve the pathological problems for augmenting production, ensuring biosecurity and facilitating trade in under the changing global trade regime.ISBN - 9788172334311

Pages : 453
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