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  Biofertilizers Technology

Biofertilizers Technology

by S. Kannaiyan, K. Kumar, K. Govindarajan

  Price : Rs 1750.00
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  Rice based cropping system is the major cropping system practised in India which includes the rotation of crops involving rice, pulses, oil seeds, cotton, sugar cane, green manures etc., The rice based cropping system offers lot of scope for the effective utilization of a wide range of biofertilizers such as Azolla, BGA, Azospirillum, Rhizobium Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus and other heterotrophic N2 fixing bacteria which help to increase the yield by reducing the cost of cultivation. It thus has dual advantages of being sustainable without endangering the environment and being highly cost effective.
This book ‘Biofertilizer Technology for Rice Based Cropping System’ deals with the current developments in the basic and applied aspects of biofertilizers used in the rice based cropping including the novel endophytic diazotrophs viz., Azorhizobium caulinodans, Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, Pink Pigmented Facultative Methylotrophs (PPFM) etc. The role of P, Zn and Si solubilizers in the nutrient dynamics of the rice ecosystem has also been covered. The strategies for production and distribution of quality inoculants for rice based cropping system has been given due importance with a focus on the molecular approaches for rapid and reliable quality control of biofertilizers. This book can be considered as a monograph on the usage of biofertilizers in rice based cropping system. It will be very useful for the scientists, researchers, students and extension workers involved in the management of crops in rice based cropping system .ISBN - 9788172336554

Pages : 450
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