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  The SAGES Manual: Basic Laparoscopy and Endoscopy (Volume - 1) (PB)

The Sages Manual: Basic Laparoscopy And Endoscopy (Volume - 1) (Pb)

by Carol E. H. Scott-Conner, Ninh T. Nguyen

  Price : Rs 1095.00
  Your Price : Rs 985.50
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  The muchanticipated revision of the second edition of The SAGES Manual: Fundamentals of Laparoscopy, Thoracoscopy, and GI Endoscopy, has been completely restructured, reorganized, and revised.

The Manual has been split into two volumes for better portability. Volume I, Basic Laparoscopy and Endoscopy covers the fundamentals and procedures performed during surgical residency. Volume I will be the first volume used by students, residents, and allied healthcare professional trainees. Material has been added to these fundamentals and procedures that will also be of interest to experienced surgeons.

Volume II, Advanced Laparoscopy and Endoscopy covers more advanced procedures, generally taught during fellowship.

All of the sections have been reorganized with a critical eye to the needs of the modern minimal access surgeon. Two new editors have been added. Chapters have been revised by both new authors as well as many stalwart authors from previous editions.

These portable handbooks cover all of the major laparoscopic and flexible endoscopic procedures in easytoread format. Indications, patient preparation, operative techniques, and strategies for avoiding and managing complications are included for the complete spectrum of both gold standard and emerging procedures in diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, and endoscopy.

The scope, detail, and quality of the contributions confirm and demonstrate the SAGES commitment to surgical education. This manual is sure to find a home in the pocket, locker or briefcase of all gastrointestinal endoscopic surgeons and residents. ISBN - 9788132210597

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