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   Hindu Spirituality: An Appreciation

Hindu Spirituality: An Appreciation

by Nalini Kanta Brahma

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 505.75
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Many people have confused notions of Hindu spirituality. In this compact book, Dr. Nalini Kanta Brahma, an erudite scholar and a well-known exponent of Hindu spirituality, captures its essence, as embedded in the Vedas and the Upanishads. Divided into three parts Part I, Essence of Hindu Spirituality; Part II, Vedantic Transcendence; and Part III, Studies in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the book gives a clear analysis of the teachings of the Hindu scriptures. It starts with an Introduction which shows the greatness of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad and the validity of the Upanishads, which Shankaracharya unmistakably showed to be part of the Vedas. The book then goes on to give, in the next three sections, studies on Karma Yoga (performing selfless action as a path of realization of emancipation), Bhakti Yoga (philosophy and practice of devotion), and Janana Yoga (knowledge as a means for realization of the Absolute, that is, Brahmavidya). Part II is devoted to a detailed discussion on Vedantic Transcendence and Vedantic monism as expounded by Shankaracharya. Finally, Part III delves deep into the teachings contained in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. This well-researched and clearly enunciated study would be valuable for postgraduate and senior undergraduate students of Philosophy and students of Comparative Religion. It would also be very useful to anyone who has an abiding interest in Hindu spirituality. ISBN - 9788120347120

Pages : 144
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