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   Development of Health and Education in India

Development Of Health And Education In India

by D. Pulla Rao

  Price : Rs 895.00
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  Health and Education are the critical sectors for achievingoverall equitable human development in the country. Health ensureseffective productive work, education builds character and both ofthem contribute to efficient human development. Indias healthexpenditure at 4.4 per cent of GDP and education expenditure at 4.1per cent of GDP are much lower compared to the expenditure of othercountries in the organisation for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment (OECD). While formulating and implement thedevelopmental programmes greater attention is to be paid toallocate more funds to social infrastructure with special focus onhealth and education and to see that the fruits of developmentreach the vulnerable sections of the society. An attempt has beenmade in this volume to document the various improvement strategiesadopted for the development of health and education in India. Thereare 20 papers in this volume arranged in two sections viz.,Section-1 is relating to Health and Section-2 is on Education. Thisbook has been designed to meet the requirements of students,research scholars, general readers, policy makers andadministrators.ISBN - 9788189630638

Pages : 283
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