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   Empowering Marginalisd Categories in India: Problems & Prospects

Empowering Marginalisd Categories In India: Problems & Prospects

by D. Pulla Rao

  Price : Rs 1195.00
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  The SCs, STs, OBCs and Minorities, have been forced to remain asthe weaker Sections/marginalised categories of India, and the womenconfined or oppressed to be the most and multiply exploitedsections of the country, for nearly four millenniums. This badsituation can not and should not continue anymore. Definitely notin the Twenty-first Century of the third millennium, in an age offast travel and mass communication. Thus, nearly 80% of the peopleof this Country fall under the Marginalised sections. The bulk ofthe marginalised categories live in the rural areas. There is aneed for the Governments to do something special and tangible, tofree and liberate the marginalised categories from the cobwebs ofoppression, marginalisation and backwardness. They have to beuplifted to the levels of normal human-beings of the World. Thisbook is divided into nine sections, namely; Scheduled Castes,Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Religious Minorities,Women, Ageing, Disabled, Child Labour and Transgender. This bookwill be useful as a good reference volume as it has discussed notonly the theoretical aspects but also practical issues at the fieldlevel. This will definitely help not only policy makers but alsoscholars to think seriously about marginalized categories/weakersections.ISBN - 9789380615110

Pages : 349
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