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  Managerial Communication: For Gujarat Technological University

Managerial Communication: For Gujarat Technological University

by P. D. Chaturvedi Mukesh Chaturvedi

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 143.50
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  This book is a sum total of more than 65 years of the authors` (combined) experience of teaching, training, researching and consulting in the areas of English language, report writing, technical writing, language skills, communication skills,presentation skills, negotiation skills, personality development and marketing communication. Therefore, most of the concepts, cases and application areas presented in this book are thoroughly examined and tested with a large variety of groups of students, executives and academics. The book deals with the concepts of communication—the defi nition, the nature, the process, and the barriers of communication upward, downward and horizontal communication and, eff ective communication—skills, objectives,approach and projecting.To facilitate the modern method of teaching a course like Business Communication, this book has been specially designed for student learning. Th e logical fl ow of topics and simple, interactive language should help the reader appreciate an idea, or a point, as well as the totality of the subject better.
Salient Features

Adheres to the syllabi requirements of the Gujarat Technological University
End of chapter exercises to assist students in learning.
Previous year solved university question paper`s
Provides conceptual clarity with the help of examples
Customized content to suit students needs

ISBN - 9788131789353

Pages : 136
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