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  Oxford Handbook of Urology , 3e

Oxford Handbook Of Urology , 3E

by John Reynard, Suzanne Biers, Simon Brewster

  Price : Rs 1345.00
  Your Price : Rs 1210.50
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Urology continues to be one of the most rapidly advancing specialities. Approximately 20% of all surgical operations and a similar percentage of surgical emergencies are urological in nature. However, often doctors have very limited experience of the many common and varied conditions encountered in this important surgical specialty. For the doctor or nurse expected to provide the initial assessment and management of a condition with which he or she has had very limited experience, this handbook provides an invaluable source of information and advice. Covering a wide spectrum of diseases and their treatment in the field of urology and surgical aspects of kidney, bladder, prostate and scrotal disorders, this handbook aims to give a brief overview of many different urological subjects including urological emergencies, cancers, infections, children`s disorders and kidney stone disease. It is designed so that it can be quickly and efficiently accessed by a range of professionals involved in patient care, including medical students, nurses, surgical and urology doctors and general practitioners. Thoroughly revised for the third edition, the Oxford Handbook of Urology covers all recent guidelines and criteria including the significant advances in medical and surgical options that are now available to patients; key papers and national recommendations in the field of neurourology; expanded information on medical therapy of bladder overactivity and additional information on subjects including urethral diverticulum, pelvic organ prolapse, dialysis and renal transplantation, antenatal hydronephrosis, megaureters, and incontinence in children. An invaluable tool relevant not only to specialist trainees and specialist registrars on urology and surgical rotations, but also to general practitioners, emergency staff and the growing number of urological specialist nurses. ISBN - 9780199696130

Pages : 832
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