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  Potato Research in India (Volume 2)

Potato Research In India (Volume 2)

by Shree Ram Yadava, Pushap Lata Negi

  Price : Rs 450.00
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  The first Volume of Potato Research in India – A bibliography (1901-1991) ws published in 1993, which was a great addition to bibliographical world. This publication was a flayed by potato workers/scientists and libraries. Now Mr. S.R. Yadava & his colleague compiled vol. 2 which crovers M.Sc/Ph.D. theses and disserations of last 60 years (1937-1996) submitted in Indian Universities. Potato crop is now an very important crop worldwide. India occupies fifth rank in production while area under the crop stands fifth in the world. More than 60 Indian universities are doing research on potatoes and during last 60 years and 245 Doctoral and 505 Masters degrees have been awarded so far by the Indian universities. Such a wealth of information was however lying scattered and not easy to locate. It was very difficult to known for the research scholar what has been already done on potato.
This information was collected are presented in this bibliography in classified order under 13 main subject headings and 61 sub-headings with full bibliographical information. Six indices i.e. scholar index, guide index, title world index, chronological index and university index are provided for quick retrieval. Besides, bibliometric analysis was also been done to show the status of research trend on potato.
Extension, Economics, Physiology, Biochemistry, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Agronomy, Cropping System, Plant Nutrition, Soil Science, Water Management, Weed Control, Diseases : Bacterial fungal, viral, pets, seed production, Storage, Post Harvest, Processing, Farm Mechanisation etc.
This, bibliography will not only serve the purpose to select new research topics/projects for filling research gaps but also indispensable reference for all potato research workers, students an scientists and also bioscience libraries/information centres.ISBN - 8172332018

Pages : 153
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