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  Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management

by A.A.Arivalagar , R.S.Naagarazan

  Price : Rs 160.00
  Your Price : Rs 144.00
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  This book explores the topics included in the syllabus of Anna University extensively. A reference table on the factors for quality control Charts, numerical examples for each control chart, the questions for short answers, and a few website addresses have been included to obtain and sustain the interest of the student community and the teaching fraternity.

In this second edition, a chapter was added with details on topics such as Quality circle, Zero defects, Just in time, Kanban and Poka Yoke to cater for the expectations of the students as well as teachers. The details on 5S, YY Analysis, Five W`s and two H`s analysis and Brainstorming methodology have been enlarged with examples. Twenty-three case studies have been added in this edition to extent the scope and knowledge of the student community. In addition to this, twelve numerical problems on different aspects of SPC and `Six Sigma` as illustrative examples and the enriched question bank have been added for clarity in teaching and learning.

This book can be used as a textbook by all the final year B.E./B.Tech. students of Anna University.ISBN - 9788122424782

Pages : 254
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