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   Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation

Electrical And Electronics Measurements And Instrumentation

by Prithwiraj Purkait, Budhaditya Biswas, Chiranjib Koley

  Price : Rs 485.00
  Your Price : Rs 436.50
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  Measurement of physical quantities and instruments that aid thereof, are at the core of the engineering principle. The text, Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, captures the gamut of essential measurements required in the fields of electrical and electronics engineering and provides a comprehensive discourse on the principles of the instruments used for such measurements. The book, written in a highly pedagogical style, provides coverage on the basic to the most sophisticated measurement techniques and discusses design and operation of measuring instruments. Coverage of classical measurement as well as modern measurement techniques
Liberal use and simple explanation of phasor diagrams.
Principles of instruments and various measurement techniques reinforced through solved examples.
1. Concept of Measurement Systems
2. Analog Meters
3. Instrument Transformers
4. Measurement of Resistance
5. Potentiometers
6. AC Bridges
7. Power Measurement
8. Measurement of Energy
9. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
10. Electronic Instruments
11. Sensors and Transducers
12. Magnetic Measurements
13. Signal Generators and Analysers
14. Data Acquisition System
15. Recording, Storage and Display Devices
16. Programmable Logic Controllers
17. Microwave and RF Measurement
18. Fibre Optic Measurements
Appendix A Table of SI Units
Appendix B Number Systems
Appendix C Westen Frequency Meter ISBN - 9781259029592

Pages : 648
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