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  English Works-3

English Works-3

by John Catron

  Price : Rs 675.00
  Your Price : Rs 607.50
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The `English Works 1, 2, 3` series provides fresh ideas which not only deliver Key Objectives in depth but also give teachers the inspiration and the flexibility to be more creative in the classroom. An exciting full-colour course for students aged 11-14, `English Works` comprises 3 pupil`s books with 3 supporting teacher`s resources, and an accompanying CD and CD:ROM. `English Works 3` is suitable for Year 9 pupils. The series is in tune with the latest thinking in English, tackling in depth all of the Key Objectives of the National Framework for Teaching English, for each year of Key Stage 3. Each book in the series provides engaging units of work that successfully address clusters of Key Objectives, and can be selected to fit in with any English department`s scheme of work. As no unit is more than 15 lessons long and all the Key Objectives are targeted in a total of 75 lessons per year, the teacher has the freedom to extend and develop his or her own curriculum around this base. Each unit consists of a range of activities, supported through exploration of a variety of appealing texts, and divided into a lesson-by-lesson sequence, each objectives-led.` English Works` is unique in providing supportive guidance and material for conducting differentiated Guided Reading and Guided Writing sessions. A Self Review unit is also included in each book, together with work that prepares pupils for optional and National Tests. Written expressly for teachers, `English Works - Teacher`s Resource 1, 2, 3` provide short-term lesson plans, teaching notes and PCMs. Unique differentiated Guided Reading and Guided Writing sessions and support for shared reading and writing are also included. ISBN - 9780340872512

Pages : 160
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