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  Basic Business Role Plays (Cassette available separately)

Basic Business Role Plays (Cassette Available Separately)

by David Kerridge

  Price : Rs 135.00
  Your Price : Rs 121.50
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  Description: Basic Business Role Plays is a collection of easy-to use activities and role plays, for use with students of business English at pre-intermediate level and above. The themes have been chosen to be interest to students already in work as well as for those studying on pre-vocational courses.

Key features:

- case studies set in a wide variety of international business situations

- activities reflect ways in which English is used in business contexts, e.g. exchanging information, giving mini-presentations, negotiating in small groups, using English in social contexts

- language work progresses, giving simple and more complex activities within each of the ten units

- Teacher’s Notes give full introduction to each unit, detailed notes on running the activities and role plays, plus transcripts for the cassette and answer key to exercises

- audio cassette gives additional information on the topic and preparation for the activities/ role plays, using a variety of accents

Contents: Student section: At a hotel, Receiving foreign visitors; Travel arrangements; In a restaurant; Business or sport?; Slot-machine food; Supermarkets or shops?; Choosing a supplier; Closing a hospital; Fireworks

Teacher section: Tapescript; Teacher’s notes and answer keysISBN - 9788176499309

Pages : 90
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