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  Corporate Reputation, the Brand & the Bottom Line, 3/e (Powerful proven communication strategies for maximizing value)

Corporate Reputation, The Brand & The Bottom Line, 3/E (Powerful Proven Communication Strategies For Maximizing Value)

by Roger Haywood

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 405.00
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All organizations must manage their reputation. This can only be done through understanding the needs and concerns of all the stakeholders, then developing and promoting policies that will win goodwill and support across these vital "publics". Investment in corporate reputation initiatives can reap major financial rewards – but failure to address the key issues can be painful and expensive as this practical guide demonstrates. Corporate Reputation, the Brand and the Bottom Line uses many global case studies and the viewpoints of top executives to provide constructive guidance on how to build a successful corporate reputation. Real-life disasters are featured, as are examples of companies where outstanding public relations policies have been implemented. The author gives practical advice on how to set performance objectives, measure the effectiveness of reputation management, win favourable media coverage, control the cost of a programme, and maximize goodwill while minimizing risks. In a clear, informative style, he also explores relevant and timely issues such as recruitment, personal skills, board policy, communication skills and public affairs. The underlying message throughout is that reputation management can enhance both the short- and long-term performance of a company. About Author: Roger Haywood is one of Europe’s most respected and experienced issues analysts and public relations practitioners. He is chairman of the Public Relations Standards Council and former chairman of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and president of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations. He pioneered the concept of issues analysis, an innovative approach to corporate governance, he writes and broadcasts regularly on organizational behaviour. ISBN - 9780749446512

Pages : 320
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