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  Global Groundwater Resources and Management

Global Groundwater Resources And Management

by B.S. Paliwal

  Price : Rs 3700.00
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The book on “Global Groundwater Resources and Management” has been aimed at growing recognition of depleting world groundwater resources, their contamination, future requirement of the fast growing human population of the world and urgent need of a better groundwater resources management system. The issues are quite complex but now they have crossed all the political boundaries and have become a common cause. The biggest challenge before the scientific community is to integrate valuable scientific advances and technological progress to solve the issue based on holistic and effective sustainable groundwater management. The book comprises the selected papers presented from all over the world at the 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, August 6 -14. 2008. A referee system of high, international standard has been used to review all the papers thoroughly before accepting them for publication. Each paper has been reviewed by at least two internationally recognized subject experts. In many cases as many as 5 or 6 subject experts have been contacted for the review work for a single paper because a much delayed response from the first two reviewers. Fortunately, all of them have sent their review comments simultaneously but at a later date.

The book is broadly divided into five sections dealing with key aspects of global groundwater resources and management

1. Groundwater Resources and Management
2. Hydogeological Conditions, Groundwater Assessment and Modeling
3. Hydrogeochemistry and Contamination of Groundwater Resources
4. Exploitation of Groundwater and its Recharge
5. Hazardous Groundwater Conditions

In total 31 research papers from Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Finland, Greece, India, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Uzbekistan were selected from the General Symposium: Hydrogeology of the 33rd I.G.C. Oslo-2008. Reviewers were from countries like Argentina, Bangladesh, China, Finland, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Syria, Thailand, Turkey and Uzbekistan.
ISBN - 9788172336196

Pages : 528
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