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  Climate Mitigation and Carbon Finance: Global Initiatives and Challenges

Climate Mitigation And Carbon Finance: Global Initiatives And Challenges

by A K Sahoo

  Price : Rs 600.00
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  The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), a framework created bythe Kyoto Protocol, was an attempt to link the carbon market andsustainable development objectives in developing countries.Consequently, sequestered carbon is now a globally traded commoditywith a huge potential to provide economic returns to land manager.Unlike traditional development models based on deferred anddiffused benefit streams, the new carbon-market model offers anopportunity to directly link land management and natural resourceconservation with specific and immediate market incentives.Analysis shows that carbon markets can serve a catalytic functionin stimulating increased tree planting and improved forestmanagement, thus helping to realize the multiple benefits offorestry and agro-forestry systems. In recent years opportunitiesfor participation in carbon credit trading markets have beengrowing. The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) now boasts more thansix million trades per month. A recent summary of the "State andTrends of the Carbon Market 2006" prepared for the World BanksBioCarbon Fund, reports a rapid increase in corporate participationin the carbon market.

This book focuses on the concept of CDM and other forestry basedCarbon finance mechanisms introduced by UNFCCC and its impact oncarbon markets. It also presents a brief analysis of the growth ofcarbon market in India, its present status and prospects in future.It provides a detailed account of Afforestation and ReforestationCDM Projects including the A/R Project Designed Document by UNFCCCin a simplified yet compact manner for better understanding of theprocedure as a reference guide.ISBN - 9789381450024

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