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   Climate Change and Natural Resources Management

Climate Change And Natural Resources Management

by S Lenka , N K Lenka , S Kundu , A Subba Rao

  Price : Rs 1910.00
  Your Price : Rs 1910.00
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  This book addresses the important issues of food security and sustainability of natural resources of India in the context of the projected climate change. Agroecosystems being the sites of intense interaction between human beings and natural world, global climate change is likely to affect the resource base, the crop productivity, input use efficiency and overall the profitability of agricultural production systems to a great extent. However, the adverse effects of climate change can be alleviated through mitigation and adaptation strategies which carry importance due to the increasing population and food demand in India.

Thus, this compilation covers possible sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in Indian context including the potentials of soil carbon sequestration, crop pest and soil management and scientific livestock management as mitigation and adaptation options. This book also includes some topics on fundamentals of green house effect and the possible mechanisms by which soil nutrient availability alters due to CO2 fertilization. The schematic diagrams, tables and graphs have been included to make the book more illustrative. The likelihood of carbon credits and trading through best management practices can help Indian farmers earning carbon credits in future. The book is useful for researchers, farm managers, policy makers and also students engaged in climate change related studies.ISBN - 9789381450673

Pages : 380
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