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  A Historical Perspective Science in India

A Historical Perspective Science In India

by B. V. Subbarayappa

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1230.00
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  In the fascinating saga of ancient scientific ideas and techniques, Indian accomplishments hold an exalted position. India displayed its originality not only in mathematics and computational astronomy but also in holistic medicine, metallurgy and other fields. For reasons known and unknown, however, India did not develop a rational, methodological and verifiable matrix for ushering in modern science until the nineteenth century. But when modern science was finally introduced to India by the British, it did not view it as alien to its ethos. India welcomed it instead and several bright Indian scientists scaled the peaks of excellence. The main objective of Science in India is to present to the general reader a comprehensive narrative about the history of science in the country. Based on authentic sources and their indepth study, this book deals with the origins, ramifications and achievements in traditional astronomy, mathematics, medicine and chemical practices, besides certain concepts related to the physical world as well as plant life. It also discusses the advent and growth of modern science till Independence, highlighting the seminal contributions of Indian scientists who won international acclaim. This is a historical and factual perspective on science in India, traversing a span of more than 5,000 years.

ISBN - 9788129120960

Pages : 624
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