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   A First Course in Probability, 9/e

A First Course In Probability, 9/E

by Sheldon Ross

  Price : Rs 729.00
  Your Price : Rs 597.78
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A First Course in Probability, Ninth Edition, features clear and intuitive explanations of the mathematics of probability theory, outstanding problem sets, and a variety of diverse examples and applications. This book is ideal for an upper-level undergraduate or graduate level introduction to probability for math, science, engineering and business students. It assumes a background in elementary calculus

Table of Content

1. Combinatorial Analysis
2. Axioms of Probability
3. Conditional Probability and Independence
4. Random Variables
5. Continuous Random Variables
6. Jointly Distributed Random Variables
7. Properties of Expectation
8. Limit Theorems
9. Simulation
Appendix A. Answers to Selected Problems
Appendix B. Solutions to Self-Test Problems and Exercises

Salient Features

• Intuitive explanations are supported with an abundance of examples to give readers a thorough introduction to both the theory and applications of probability.
• Analysis is unique to the text and elegantly designed. Examples include the knockout tournament and multiple players gambling ruin problem, as well as the new results concerning the sum of uniform and the sum of geometric random variables.
• Three sets of exercises are given at the end of each chapter. These include Problems, Theoretical Exercises, and Self-Test Problems and Exercises. The Self-Test Problems and Exercises include complete solutions in the appendix, allowing students to test their comprehension and study for exams. ISBN - 9789332519077

Pages : 458
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