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   Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists, 8 Volume Set

Encyclopedia Of Notable Scientists, 8 Volume Set

by Rittner Don

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  Author: Lisa Yount

Although the term ‘biology’ was not introduced until the 19th century, humans have been informal students of that science since the beginning of their existence. Viva-Facts On File Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists: Biologists present the stories of 184 biologists from a wide range of countries, time periods, backgrounds and fields, including medical researchers and students of plants and animals. Presented in everyday language that makes even the most complex concepts accessible, the readers will find the entries in the Encyclopedia interesting as well as informative.

Who has contributed most significantly to the field of biology? What have been their most important achievements? Which areas in the field of biology have benefited from these contributors and their work? Viva-Facts On File’s New Notable Scientists series meets the need for an authoritative source of information to answer these and other questions concerning myriad developments in science.

Featuring an international selection of scientists whose work has contributed to biology and impacted our society in lasting ways, Viva-Facts On File Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists: Biologists is a comprehensive biographical collection of more than 150 male and female scientists, from antiquity to the present. Designed for high school students, researchers, teachers, and general readers, this is an ideal reference to well-known scientists, and their lesser known contemporary counterparts. Each entry provides the subject’s full name, birth and death dates, nationality, and field(s) of specialization. The essays focus on the scientist’s work, achievements, struggles within the milieu, and contributions to the field, supplemented with information on family and educational background and a section of further reading sources, giving the reader a well-rounded profile.

Among the scientists included are the following:

• Claude Bernard (1813–1878)

• Ruth Patrick (1907– )
French Physiologits American Ecologits

• Alexander Fleming (1881–1955)

• Ronald Ross (1857–1932)British Bacteriologist Indian Epidemiologist, Physician

• Mary-Claire King (1946– )

• Tetsuko Takabe (1947– )
American Geneticist Japanese Biochemist, Geneticist

• Marcello Malpighi (1628–1694)

• Florence Wambugu (1953– )
Italian Naturalist, Histologist Kenyan Molecular Biologist

In addition to 60 black-and-white photographs, the collection features four indexes–entrants arranged by country of birth and by country of scientific activity, a chronology of important events, and a glossary of frequently used terms–as well as an extensive general index.

Contents: Entries by Country of Birth • Entries by Country of Major Scientific Activity • Entries by Year of Birth • Chronology • Glossary • IndexISBN - 9788130914084

Pages : 2500
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