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  Biofuels : Potential and Challenges

Biofuels : Potential And Challenges

by A.K. Pandey, A.K. Mandal,

  Price : Rs 1950.00
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In recent times serious concerns have been expressed both by developed as well as developing economies of the world over the increase in global warming, ozone layer depletion and number of other environmental problems occurring due to massive carbon footprints left by use of fossil fuels as a result of exponentially amplified demand in transportation and other purposes. The rising and volatile prices of petroleum products compelled entire world to search for new and more efficient technologies and alternative sources of energy. The huge energy demand has forced India to depend on other countries for oil and the country is spending huge amount due to high price of the crude oil in the international market. Biofuels, therefore, assume great importance and has become a high priority. Biofuel is a non polluting, locally available, accessible, sustainable and reliable fuel obtained from renewable sources.

In order to deliberate the key issues by scientific and research community and industry to accelerate the growth of biofuel industry, Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur organized a National Conference on "Biofuels: Potential and Challenges" from 25 - 26 February, 2009. The conference has bought together researchers, policy makers, industries and all other stakeholders so that productive discussions can take place on how best to meet India`s growing biofuel needs. This book is a edited collection of papers presented during the conference, published in the form of proceedings.
ISBN - 9788172336967

Pages : 328
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