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  The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 with CCS, Ajax, and PHP

The Essential Guide To Dreamweaver Cs3 With Ccs, Ajax, And Php

by David Powers

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 472.50
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  With over 3 million users worldwide, Adobe`s Dreamweaver is the most popular web development software in the world, and it just took another step forward with CS3, the new version released in 2007. Having come a long way from its humble beginnings as a simple web design tool, CS3 allows you to rapidly put together standards-compliant web sites and dynamic web sites with server-side languages and Ajax, and much more.

To complement this great new application, David Powers has written the ultimate guide to it. The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS, Ajax, and PHP teaches you everything you need to know about the application, from setting up your development environment environment to publishing your sites and applications on the web, and everything in between.

Takes you through your development environment set up
Covers everything you need to create both standards compliant web sutes, and dynamic web applications
Teaches several real world techniques using a series of step by step tutorials

What you’ll learn

How to set up your ideal development environment, using Mac OSX/Windows, Apache (and IIS on Windows,) Apache, MySQL, and php MyAdmin
Creating standards compliant web sites using CS3`s XHTML and CSS features
Creating dynamic web applications using CS3`s PHP and Spry Ajax server behaviors
Building several real-world web site functions, such as form validation, random quote generator, search function, user management/login pages, dynamic Ajax gallery, and much more
Creating an interface design in Fireworks CS3 and importing it into Dreamweaver CS3
How use Dreamweaver CS3`s XML functionality, to consume RSS feeds, and create Spry data sets
Using includes, templates and master detail pages
How to publish your site after you`ve created it ISBN - 9788181288158

Pages : 784
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