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  Pension Reform in India :  The Unfinished Agenda

Pension Reform In India : The Unfinished Agenda

by H Sadhak

  Price : Rs 1250.00
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  Changing population dynamics has challenged the socio-economic stability of nations globally and this has propped pension reform as one of the most critical socio-economic-political agenda. With this background in view, the author gives a comprehensive account of the Indian pension system and ongoing reform.

Pension Reform in India discusses the current National Pension System (NPS) structure and architecture extensively and also throws light on the alternative old age financial security schemes available in the country. To enable a better understanding of the critical issues of the hour, the author provides insights into pension reforms in many emerging economy countries.

Drawing from his years of experience in this field and also from exhaustive research of data and publications of World Bank, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), International Labour Organization (ILO), International Social Security Association (ISSA), International Federation of Pension Fund Administrators (FIAP), several other key organisations , work of many eminent scholars, and proposes methods for designing a pension system that is both viable and robust.

ISBN - 9788132109792

Pages : 516
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