On the eve of Independence, Nehru had declared India`s Tryst with Destiny` as redeemed. However, thanks mainly to shenanigans and the venality of its political and bureaucratic class, the hope held out by that `Destiny` has turned into unqualified despair by now. And, it is as good as cast in stone that before it got opportunity to celebrate the centenary of its Independence, India (or whatever had been left of it) would be busy negotiating its tryst with the forces of Doom. The rest of the world too can`t escape being caught in the death throes of so huge a nation and suffer tremendously. Hopeless is said to be the lot of the people that await a saviour to rescue them from the consequences of actions that may or may not belong to them. System - and not person – is what they should place their collective faith in. As for the Indians, they were given a system, alright. But, tragically, the same not only failed to deliver them of their ills, old and new, but has also corrupted itself almost irredeemably. So, a person - call him Saviour, `man-Friday`, or just a national `Chotu` - it has to be, as far as they are concerned. Present book is an attempt to find out whether the legatees of the holy land and its hoary civilization, whose two millennia long caste reprehensibility was first compounded by six centuries of slavery, overlaid next by two centuries of imperialism, and, finally, aggravated beyond imagination by six decades long orgy of corruption and sins practiced in the fair names of democracy and people, have got so lucky as to have come upon a leader who they could all place their collective faith in, giving him all out support to enable him to extricate them from the mess they had been stuck in and save their future for them.
ISBN - 9789351045281
Pages : 324