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  A Text Book of Environmental Science

A Text Book Of Environmental Science

by Thakur, V.

  Price : Rs 170.00
  Your Price : Rs 170.00
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  This book covers 14 major topics of both applied and fundamental value i.e. an Introduction of ecology and environmental biology, Environment its importance and components, Indian and global environment and its past and present trend, Global warning and its effects, Population ecology, Urbanization its causes and factors and its effects on rural land use systems, Environmental pollution - a threat to mankind, Biodiversity and its monitoring and impacts of climate change on biodiversity, Natural resources and their conservation. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental policy and Legislation in India. Biotechnology - An eco-friendly technique for abatement of soil and water pollution, bioremediation, and phytoremediation, and Environmental Economics in brief, reflecting interdisciplinary approach of the subject environmental economics and environmental science.
This book is eminently useful for the students pursuing Under Graduate and Post Graduate Courses in Environmental science/ Environmental Engineering / Environmental Biotechnology and environmentalists. ISBN - 9788172337568

Pages : 307
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