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  Cyber Psychology

Cyber Psychology

by Ravindra Thakur

  Price : Rs 2500.00
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  This book entitled Cyber Psychology is the study of the human mind and behaviour in the context of human-computer interaction. It encompasses all psychological phenomena associated with, or affected by emerging technology. Computers permeate nearly every human activity in the modern world and affect human behavior from the most basic sensory-motor interactions to the most complex cognitive and social processes. This book begins with a brief history of psychology and computers, a comparison of the human nervous system, and the circuitry of a computer. It presents a number of theories and models of human-computer interaction as well as research methods and techniques for usability testing. After an introduction to psychology, the book discusses sensation and perception, learning and memory, thinking and problem solving, language processing, individual differences, motivation and emotion, social relations, and abnormal behavior as they impact the human-computer interface. Finally, specific issues of artificial intelligence, assistive technologies, video games, and electronic education are presented in this study. This book would be valuable asset for the reader to get comprehensive knowledge of psychology in cyberspace. Enlightening feedback and suggestions are solicited.

PREFACE (V) 1. INTRODUCTION TO CYBER-PSYCHOLOGY 1 What is Cyber-psychology? 1 Psychology of Human–Computer Interaction 3 Impact and Importance of Cyberpsychology and the Human–Computer Interface 4 Brief History of Psychology 5 Cyberspace as Psychological Space 8 Psychology in Cyberspace 9 Embracing Cyberspace as a Scientifically Legitimate Social Environment 10 Cyberpsychology – an Emerging Field of Research 11 The Future of Cyberpsychology 13 Summary 13 2. PSYCHOLOGICAL QUALITIES OF CYBERSPACE 15 Model of Cyberpsychology 16 Networks as Mind and Self 19 The Online Disinhibition Effect 20 The Two Paths of Virtual Reality 26 Black Hole of Cyberspace 36 Online Lingo 37 Internet Demographics 41 Cyberspace Humor 43 The Psychology of Coping with Spam 44 Summary 47 3. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF AVATARS AND GRAPHICAL SPACE IN MULTIMEDIA CHAT COMMUNITIES 49 Visual Chat 49 Types of Avatars 50 Bigger is Not Better 56 Prop Evolution 56 Taking it Personal 57 Avatar Collections 59 Visual Social Grease 62 Aberrant Av Behaviour 63 It’s Not Just Wallpaper 66 Let’s Get Physical 69 Inside Your Av, or Out 70 What Lies Ahead 71 Avatar psychotherapy 71 Avatar Worlds 72 Psychological Representations: Positive and Negative 73 Future of Avatars and Cyber Worlds 73 Summary 74 4. INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGY IN CYBERSPACE 75 Online Identity Management 76 Personality Types in Cyberspace 78 Unique Roles in Cyberspace 80 Transference Reactions to Computers 80 Computer and Internet Addiction 87 The Internet Regression 92 Gender-Switching in Cyberspace 92 Adolescents in Cyberspace 93 Wizards at the “Palace” 104 Apocalyptic Thinking and the Tragic Flaw 122 Bringing Online and Offline Living Together 124 eQuest: An Online Psychoeducational Programme 127 Media Transitions 132 Summary 140 5. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF CYBERSPACE RELATIONSHIPS 143 Relationships Between In-Person and Cyberspace 144 Transient and Long Term Online Relationships 152 The Psychology of Text Relationships 152 Hypotheses about On-line Text Relationships 176 E-mail Communication and Relationships 181 Multimedia Enhancements 199 Transference among People On-line 207 Conflict in Cyberspace: How to Resolve Conflict On-line 208 Cyberspace Romances 212 Communicative Subtlety in Multimedia Chat 214 Summary 217 6. GROUP DYNAMICS IN CYBERSPACE 219 Social Psychology of Online Groups 220 Making Virtual Communities Work 221 Unique Groups in Cyberspace 228 A Decision-Making Method for E-mail Groups 239 Extending a Work Group into Cyberspace 241 Extending the Classroom into Cyberspace 245 The Geezer Brigade : Studying an Online Group 256 Online Photosharing Communities: Personal Identity and Relationships in Flickr 264 Summary 277 7. FLOW EXPERIENCE IN CYBERSPACE: CURRENT STUDIES AND PERSPECTIVES 279 Flow as a Psychological Construct 280 Theoretical and Practical Reasons for Psychological Studies in the Cyberspace 283 Characteristics of Flow as Used in Empirical Research 285 Data Collection Methods in the Optimal Experience: Studies Related to Cyberspace 287 Flow in Diverse Cyberspace-Related Activities 289 Optimal Experience and Psychological Addiction: the Two Opposites 292 Cross-Cultural Studies of Flow Experience 294 Summary 299 8 RESEARCH METHODS IN CYBERPSYCHOLOGY 301 Publishing Online 302 Ethics in Cyberspace Research 312 In the Cyberspace Bubble: Full Immersion and f2f Isolation 317 Summary 322 CASE STUDIES 323 BIBLIOGRAPHY 327 INDEX 337

ISBN - 9788182203662

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