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  Radiology In Medical Practice, 4/E

Radiology In Medical Practice, 4/E

by Abm Abdullah

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  Easy, Simple, Practical and Clinically Oriented Radiology BookRadiology in Medical Practice is an excellent book, helpful not only for medical students of different specialities, but also for the radiologists, general practitioners and even medical teachers.About the AuthorABM Abdullah MRCP (UK), FRCP (Edin) is a Professor of Medicine at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has wide experience as a practicing physician and a teacher of clinical medicine, both at home and abroad. Throughout his career, he has been involved in teaching and training of undergraduate and postgraduate medical students as well as nursing students. Professor Abdullah has published 25 research papers in various national and international journals and has authored, in addition to the present one, three books, titled, Short Cases in Clinical Medicine, ECG in Medical Practice, and Case History, and Data Interpretation in Medical Practice; of these Short Cases in Clinical Medicine is also published by Elsevier. Also, he has written several articles for daily newspapers on common medical problems and delivered many television programs on public health issues.Table of Contents1. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 3_ Normal Chest X-ray 3_ Important Findings and Signs 7_ How to Present a Chest X-ray 9_ Normal Variant in Chest X-ray 10_ Pleural Effusion 12_ Lung Abscess 18_ Consolidation 22_ Pneumothorax 26_ Hydropneumothorax 30_ Pneumothorax with Subcutaneous Emphysema 32_ Hilar Lymphadenopathy (Bilateral) 33_ Unilateral Hilar Lymphadenopathy 36_ Pulmonary Tuberculosis 37_ Miliary Tuberculosis 42_ Primary Tuberculosis 43_ Cavity in the Lung 45_ Solitary Nodule in the Lung 48_ Multiple Nodules in Lung 50_ Carcinoma of Bronchus or Mass Lesion 51_ Pleural Calcifi cation 56_ Pulmonary Calcifi cation 58_ Pneumatocele 60_ Bullae 61_ Collapse of Lung 61_ Pneumonectomy 67_ Absent Breast Shadow 68_ Elevated Dome of Diaphragm 69_ Eventration 71_ Mycetoma (Aspergilloma) 73_ Tracheo-oesophageal Fistula 75_ Bronchiectasis 75_ Bronchogram (in Bronchiectasis) 78_ Free Gas Under Diaphragm 78_ Mediastinal Mass (Lymphoma) 81_ Different Mediastinal Mass 85_ Mediastinum 87_ Hydatid Cyst 88_ Interstitial Lung Disease 89_ Emphysema 91_ Hereditary Haemolytic Anaemia 94_ Honeycomb Lung 95_ Calcifi cation in Neck 96_ Pleural Mesothelioma 97_ Pneumomediastinum 99_ Hiatus Hernia 100_ Subphrenic Abscess 100_ Miscellaneous X-rays for Practice 1022. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 112_ Pericardial Effusion 112_ Mitral Stenosis 114_ Mixed Mitral Valve Disease 117_ Shunt Anomaly (Atrial Septal Defect) 118_ Shunt Anomaly (Ventricular Septal Defect) 122_ Coarctation of Aorta 123_ Dextrocardia and Situs Inversus 127_ Cardiomegaly 128_ Metallic Valve 130_ Pacemaker 132_ Aortic Calcifi cation 134_ Pericardial Calcifi cation 135_ Ventricular Aneurysm 137_ Tetralogy of Fallot 138_ Pulmonary Oedema 141_ Miscellaneous X-rays for Practice 1433. CONTRAST X-RAY 147Gastrointestinal Tract 147_ Achalasia of Oesophagus 147_ Carcinoma of Oesophagus 150_ Oesophageal Varices 152_ Other Oesophageal Diseases 155_ Gastric Outlet Obstruction 156_ Carcinoma of Stomach 159_ Gastric Ulcer 162_ Hiatus Hernia 164_ Ileocaecal Tuberculosis 165_ Crohn`s Disease 167_ Ulcerative Colitis 171_ Carcinoma of Colon 174_ Diverticular Disease 176_ Hirschsprung`s Disease 177_ Ascariasis 178_ Choledocho-jejunal Fistula 178_ Hydatid Cyst of Liver 181_ Miscellaneous X-rays of GIT for Practice 182Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease 188_ Cholecystography 188_ Pancreatic Calcifi cation 190_ Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography 192_ Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography 1974. RHEUMATOLOGY 199Hand 199_ Hereditary Haemolytic Anaemia 199_ Acromegaly 199_ Rickets and Osteomalacia 202_ Scurvy 205_ Rheumatoid Hand 208_ Gout 212_ Psoriatic Arthritis 214_ Systemic Sclerosis 217_ Arachnodactyly 219_ Miscellaneous (Hand) 220_ Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy 221_ Ankylosing Spondylitis 223Bone, Spine and Joints 223_ Sacroiliitis 226_ Pott`s Disease (Tuberculosis of Spine) 228_ Tuberculous Arthritis 230_ Haemophilic Arthritis 232_ Avascular Necrosis of Head of Femur 234_ Osteoblastic Lesion of Bone 236_ Paget`s Disease 236_ Osteoporosis 239_ Aortic Calcifi cation and Osteoarthritis 241_ Chondrocalcinosis 242_ Alkaptonuria 2435. SKULL 245_ Lytic Lesion in the Skull 245_ Hereditary Haemolytic Anaemia 247_ Hyperparathyroidism 249_ Acromegaly 251_ Paget`s Disease of Skull 253_ Histiocytosis 254_ Intracranial Calcifi cation 255_ Miscellaneous X-rays of Skull 2566. RENAL SYSTEM 258_ Polycystic Kidney Disease 258_ Nephrocalcinosis 260_ Renal Calculus 260_ Renal Osteodystrophy 263_ Double Pelvis and Ureter 265_ Miscellaneous Renal X-rays for Practice 2667. MISCELLANEOUS PRACTICING X-RAYS 269PART II: CT SCAN AND MRI8. INTRODUCTION 277_ CT Scan 277_ MRI Scan 277_ Contrast CT Scan and MRI 278_ High-resolution CT 278_ CT Angiogram 279_ MR Angiogram 279_ Colour Doppler 279_ Differences Between CT Scan and MRI 279 ISBN - 9788131223000

Pages : 469
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