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  Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .NET 3.5 Platform

Pro Visual C++/Cli And The .Net 3.5 Platform

by Stephen R.G. Fraser

  Price : Rs 1399.00
  Your Price : Rs 1259.10
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  Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .NET 3.5 Platform is about writing .NET applications using C++/CLI. While readers are learning the ins and outs of .NET application development, they will also be learning the syntax of C++, both old and new to .NET. Readers will also gain a good understanding of the .NET architecture. This is truly a .NET book applying C++ as its development language—not another C++ syntax book that happens to cover .NET.

What you’ll learn

Learn the syntax and semantics of C++/CLI
Program Windows graphical user interface applications
Write web applications and web services in C++/CLI
Work with data in a database or XML documents
Create multi-threaded and network–aware applications
See how to use C++/CLI unmanaged code properly and safely

Who this book is for
This book is primarily for C++ programmers who want to write applications for the .NET 3.5 platform. It also caters to those new to C++ who wish to work in .NET 3.5 and use the power of C++.ISBN - 9788184897968

Pages : 1080
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