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  Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

Predicting The Nifty & Sensex

by Indrodeep Banerjee

  Price : Rs 450.00
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  This book contains detailed and systematic study of price movements, upside and downside, in the indices Nifty & Sensex, with the help of astrological variables like nakshatra, tithi & yoga as well as solar ingression into various signs of zodiac. All these have been practically experimented and have been verified and explained with the help of 10 years of empherical price data of nifty along with the application of the principles and variables of astrology. With the application of these findings the author has been able to successfully predict the intraday direction of the indices Nifty & Sensex, stock markets and the rise and fall in the stock prices for years.

This book is likely to help the traders of Nifty & Sensex futures, as well as for the option traders who love to trade in Call & Put options of Nifty & Sensex. It will also help the intraday and short term traders of Equity Stocks buy determining the trend & direction of the broader market Indices of the Indian Equity markets, namely the Nifty & Sensex. Hence all the traders can plan their moves accordingly by predetermining the nerves of the markets.

The entire analysis has been systematically arranged in a month wise manner with respect to the transit of Sun, or the Solar ingress into the various signs of zodiac, in order to make the use of this book and astrological principles simpler to the traders, so that they may be able to easily select the principles month-wise and apply them easily to predict the market using any ordinary panchang calendar, where they may be able to find the nakshatra, yoga and tithi for any particular date.

This book is the next elaborate research work in continuance of the author’s previous book, “Stock Market Astrology & Astrological Theory of Business Cycles”. This book is based on the years of aggressive research on Stock Market Astrology, in the study of astrological influences on the financial markets and price movements especially and specifically in the market indices Nifty & Sensex. This book has been written after more than two and a half decades of the author’s hard work, research and professional experience in the field of astrology, and after the 14 years of dedicated aggressive research in the application of astrological principles in predicting the movements of indices Nifty & Sensex in the stock market.


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