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  Pro Android Flash

Pro Android Flash

by Stephen Chin, Dean Iverson, Oswald Campesato, Paul Trani

  Price : Rs 449.00
  Your Price : Rs 404.10
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  Pro Android Flash is your definitive guide to building rich, immersive user experiences on Android. Learn how to program Android smart phones and tablets with the most popular Rich Internet Application (RIA) frameworks for Android developers Flash and Flex!

After a tour of the Flash development toolset, you`ll discover how to add multimedia, animation, and special effects to your apps for maximum user involvement. Then you`ll learn advanced techniques such as optimizing for device density and grabbing hardware inputs from the camera, GPS, microphone, and accelerometer. Last but not least, we`ll show you how to create code signing certificates and squeeze out the fastest, most responsive performance. Along the way you will see lots of down-to-earth and well-commented source code, and you will build three complete apps: a sketching program, a Flash music player, and an AIR app that stores website status information in a SQLite database.

You`ll find out how to:

Create designs with Photo shop or Illustrator and preview them in Device Central
Package and deploy your apps to Android Market and Amazon Appstore
Use hardware sensors to capture sound, images, and video
Perform GPS geolocation and determine device orientation
Render 2D shapes, use filter effects, perform transformations, display charts and graphs, and create 3D effects
Tune your apps to be fast, responsive, and user-friendly
Migrate your apps to TV and tablets such as the Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy Tab, and RIM Play Book

If you want to design and develop exciting, responsive RIA apps for the full range of Android devices, exploiting all their multimedia, sensor, and networking capabilities, then Pro Android Flash is the book you need. ISBN - 9788132204312

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