The Definitive Guide To MongoDB: The NoSQL Database For Cloud And Desktop Computing, published in 2010, is a book about the world’s fastest-growing NoSQL open source document-oriented database system. This guide is designed to help readers install, administer and develop data, and write down applications using MongoDB.
The Definitive Guide To MongoDB: The NoSQL Database For Cloud And Desktop Computing is divided into twelve chapters, which are further partitioned into three parts. Part I, Basics, starts off with an introduction about the database, and is followed by explanations on querying for data, removing data, deleting files, how to install it in major platforms, include Cloud and Linux. Some chapters names are GridFS, The Data Model, and Working with Data. Part II is Developing, and teaches readers how to use MongoDB`s PHP to write applications and create a blog. It also includes a chapter on Python. The last portion of this guide is titled Advanced, and has four chapters. Readers will learn how to administrate, optimize, replicate, and shard MongoDB. Tips, and useful notes have been incorporated within the text to help identify important information. Automating Backups, Monitoring MongoDB, MongoDB Profiler, Specifying Index Options, Using Replica Pairs, and Analyzing a Simple Sharding Scenario are few of the topics covered under this Unit.
This book is designed for PHP developers, and those who know the fundamentals of database administration. It will also be helpful for people who want to learn how to implement a NoSQL-based database.ISBN - 9788132201144