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  Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook, Special Edition

Web Standards Solutions: The Markup And Style Handbook, Special Edition

by Dan Cederholm

  Price : Rs 399.00
  Your Price : Rs 359.10
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  Welcome to the expanded second edition of Dan Cederholm`s bestselling Web Standards Solutions. Web standards are the standard technology specifications enforced by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to make sure that web designers and browser manufacturers are using the same technology syntax.

It is important that these implementations are the same throughout the Web—otherwise, it becomes a messy proprietary place, and lacks consistency. These standards also allow content to be more compatible with multiple different viewing devices, such as screen readers for people with vision impairments, cell phones, PDFs, etc. HTML, XML, and CSS are all such technologies.

This book is your essential guide to understanding the advantages you can bring to your web pages by implementing web standards and precisely how to apply them. Web standards such as XHTML and CSS are now fairly well-known technologies, and they will likely be familiar to you, the web designer. Indeed, they are all around you on the Web. However, within web standards still lies a challenge: while the browser`s support for web standards is steadily increasing, many web developers and designers have yet to discover the real benefits of web standards and respect the need to adhere to them.

The real art is in truly understanding the benefits and implementing the standards efficiently. As a simple example of its power, you can use CSS to lay out your pages instead of nesting tables. This can make file sizes smaller, allowing pages to load faster, ultimately increasing accessibility for all browsers, devices, and web users.

Expanded edition containing bonus material.
Teaches how to use Web standards effectively to build better web sites.
Solutions style promotes learning by work-through examples and assessments.

What you’ll learn
Web Standards Solutions is broken down into 16 short chapters, each covering the theory and practice of different web standards concepts and showing multiple solutions to given problems for easy learning. You`ll learn about multi-column layouts, using image replacement techniques to your best advantage, making the best use of tables and lists, and many more. This highly modular approach allows you to rapidly digest, understand, and utilize the essentials of web standards.

Use XHTML elements correctly so that your markup is compact and more easily understood.
Use CSS to style different elements of a web page.
Lay out pages easily and effectively.
Compare multiple methods of achieving the same results to make better design choices.
Learn about advanced web design techniques and their important caveats.
Make your sites more efficient and more accessible.

Who this book is for
Web developers and designers wanting to learn standards-based techniques to improve their sites—making them more efficient, more accessible, and transferable across multiple browsers and devices. ISBN - 9788132200895

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