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   Physical Rehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant

Physical Rehabilitation For The Physical Therapist Assistant

by Michelle H. Cameron, Linda Monroe

  Price : Rs 4896.50
  Your Price : Rs 4162.02
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Prepare for practice with the book tailored specifically for physical therapist assistants! Physical Rehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant provides a clear, easy-to-read, evidence-based guide to the PTA`s role in patient management, covering the core concepts related to physical rehabilitation and emphasizing the PTA`s role in intervention. A treatment-oriented focus addresses each of the four categories of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Preferred Practice Patterns: musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary. The final section of the book addresses interventions which overlap many practice patterns. Written by rehabilitation experts Michelle Cameron, MD, PT and Linda Monroe, MPT, in consultation with Susan Schmidt, a practicing PTA, and Carla Gleaton, the director of a PTA education program, this text will be a valuable resource both in the classroom and in professional practice.
1. Introduction 2. Evidence-based Practice Part One: Musculoskeletal System 3. Skeletal Demineralization 4. Posture 5. Muscle Weakness 6. Connective Tissue Dysfunction 7. Localized Inflammation 8. Spinal Disorders 9. Fractures 1. Joint Arthr ISBN - 9781437708066

Pages : 608
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