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  A Text Book on Production Engineering: Useful for IAS, IES, GATE, PSU`s and Other Competitive Exam 2nd Edition

A Text Book On Production Engineering: Useful For Ias, Ies, Gate, Psu`S And Other Competitive Exam 2Nd Edition

by Swadesh Singh

  Price : Rs 375.00
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  A Text Book On Production Engineering Useful For IAS, IES, GATE, PSUs And Other Competitive Exams has all the required material for the aspirants of the different competitive examinations as shown above. The different topics that feature in the book have been divided under separate chapters. The first chapter deals with Metrology, which has topics such as Accuracy and Precision, Interchangeability, Selective Assembly and Limits, and Fits and Tolerances. Topics like Allowance, Tolerance Sink, Design of Limit Gauges, Violation of Taylor`s Principle in Gauge Design, and Gauge Material also come under this section. Further, Slip Gauges, Angle Blocks, Sine Bar, Precision Ball Measurement, Vernier Calipers and Micrometer, Types of Errors, Interferometry, Straightness, Flatness, Comparator, Surface Finish, Screw Thread Metrology, and Acceptance Tests have all been covered in the first chapter. The second chapter covers all aspects of material science and covers Metals, Non-Metals, Organic Polymer, Ceramics, Crystal Structures of Ceramics, Composite Materials, Phase Diagrams, Experimental Methods of Constructing Phase Diagram, Fe-Fe3C Phase Diagram, Development of Microstructure in Fe-C System, Family of Cast Irons, Effect of Alloying Element on Iron, Relationship between the Phase Diagrams, High Strength Low Alloy Steel (HSLA), Defects in the Materials, Yield Point Phenomenon, Strengthening Mechanism, Type of Bond, Time Temperature Transformation (TTT) Diagram, Heat Treatment, TTT Diagrams for Hypo and Hyper-Eutectoid Steel, Hardenability Curves Jominy End Quench Test, Crystal Systems, Mechanism of Crystallization, Methods for Measurement of Grain Size, Crystal Directions, Crystal Planes, Creep, Tensile Test, Hardness Tests, Aluminium Alloys, and Brasses and Bronzes. The third chapter is about casting with topics like Casting, Design of Risers, and Riser Design for Steel Castings, Gating System, Green Sand Mould, Types of Solidification, Die Casting, Centrifugal Casting, Slush Casting, Blow Moulding, Sodium Silicate (CO2) Moulding, Shell Moulding, Investment Casting, Types of Casting Defects, Types of Furnaces, Metallurgy of Cast Steel, and Methods of Purifying Material. Chapter four is related to Metal cutting with the topics Terminology of Single Point Cutting Tool (ASA), British System, Normal or Orthogonal Rake System (ORS), Types of Metal Cutting Process, Distribution of Heat in Metal Cutting, Types of Chips, Merchant`s Analysis for Chip Thickness Ratio, Determination of Cutting Forces, Determination of Area of Shear Plane and Shear Strength, Assumptions of Merchant`s Circle, Determination of Shear Angle, Velocity Triangle, Ernest and Merchant Theory, Lee and Shaffer (Slip Line Field Theory), Contact Length, Measurement of Temperature, Cutting Fluids, Mechanism of Tool Wear, Effect of Parameters on Tool Life, Machinability, Economics of Machining, Tool Materials, Measurement of Cutting Forces, Grinding, Unconventional/Non-Traditional Machining Processes, Drilling, Milling, Powder Metallurgy, Jigs and Fixtures, Screw Thread Manufacturing, and Gear Manufacturing. Chapter five has topics that constitute metal forming and chapter six pertains to welding. There are practice questions at the end of every chapter. ISBN 9789381069943

Pages : 449
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