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  An Agenda for India`s Growth : Essays in Honour of P. Chidambaram

An Agenda For India`S Growth : Essays In Honour Of P. Chidambaram

by Sameer Kochhar (Ed.)

  Price : Rs 1095.00
  Your Price : Rs 985.50
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  Since 1991, P. Chidambaram has been deeply involved with the economic reforms that have changed India for the better. He firmly believes that economic freedom is linked not just to higher growth, more jobs and larger incomes, but has undeniable connections to political freedom, empowerment, transparency and good governance. This book is as much a tribute to Chidambaram`s eloquent advocacy of economic freedom—and the courage he displayed in implementing it—as about setting the agenda for the country`s next wave of reforms.

The authors of the essays in this volume are accomplished experts in their respective spheres. Together, they cover a wide range of issues: fiscal and monetary policies, strengthening financial inclusion, revitalising agriculture, buoying stock markets, policy on natural resources, external trade reforms, urban infrastructure renewal and security aspects to growth. The volume not only offers perceptive analyses on these topics but also charts out the clear roadmap for a growth-oriented, caring and compassionate agenda for the country`s future.

ISBN - 9782332700093

Pages : 268
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