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  Ophthalmology Made Easy

Ophthalmology Made Easy

by M. Ahuja

  Price : Rs 75.00
  Your Price : Rs 60.00
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  1. Development of lens 2. Functions of lens 3. Anatomy of lens . 4. Chemical composition of lens and lens metabolism 5. Immunology of lens 6. Cataract and its aetiological classification 7. Congenital/developmental cataract 8. Factors affecting onset, type and maturation of senile cataract 9. Common metabolic syndromes 10. Cataractogenic drugs 11. Complicated cataract 12. Cataract-associated syndromes 13. Symptomatology of cataract 14. Indications of cataract surgery 15. Anti-cataract drugs 16. Subluxated/dislocated lens Diagnosis and management 17. Investigations for cataract surgery 18. Preparation of patient for surgery 19. Assessment of postoperative visual outcome 20. Techniques of local anaesthesia 21. Different techniques of cataract surgery 22. Phacoemulsification 23 Postoperative complications of cataract surgery 24 Rehabilitation of aphakic patient 25. lOLs : Types, indications, power calculations, complications and management 26. Congenital anomalies 27 National Programme for Control of Blindness Programme and implementation Guidelines to establish DBCS Standard list of ophthalmic equipments For upgraded PHC District mobile unit District hospital Medical college Microsurgical instruments ISBN - 9788123906867

Pages : 98
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