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  Intelligent Systems

Intelligent Systems

by Robert J. Schalkoff

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 625.50
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  Description: Artificial Intelligence has changed significantly in recent years and many new resources and approaches are now available to explore and implement this important technology. Intelligent Systems: Principles, Paradigms, and Pragmatics takes a modern, 21st-century approach to the concepts of Artificial Intelligence and includes the latest developments, developmental tools, programming, and approaches related to AI. The author is careful to make the important distinction between theory and practice, and focuses on a broad core of technologies, providing students with an accessible and comprehensive introduction to key AI topics.

Key Features:

• Provides students with a full understanding of Intelligent Systems (IS) by including key in formation on such important topics as Logic, Production Systems, Ontologies, Fuzzy Systems, Genetic Algorithms, IS programming and more.

• Conveys a technical perspective, giving readers the ability to determine when an IS approach is appropriate for a given problem, and then selecting and implementing a suitable IS method.

• Includes hands-on examples and exercises allowing readers to implement real-world IS technologies.

• Provides a current look at off-the-shelf tools for developing production systems and ontologies.

• Discusses the technology and pragmatics of embedded IS software.

• Provides comprehensive references to both seminal work and current implementation strategies ISBN - 9789380853161

Pages : 792
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