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17 years of Excellence
Gender Studies
Gender & Human Development In Central & South Asia
by Mondira Dutta (Ed)
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We are on the eve of the deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals that were promised and pledged in the year 2000 by 189 nations of the world. It was envisaged to overcome extreme poverty and multiple deprivations existing in the society. With barely less than three years left to reach 2015, it would be interesting to study if there is a growing equality of opportunity between people and among nations. This is an issue that now dominates every discourse on development debate in the third millennium. The Pace of development has been accompanied by rising disparities within nations and between nations. The most significant of these being gender disparity. Despite a relentless struggle to equalize opportunities between women and men, the issue remains an unfinished agenda and eludes the much desired change.
This book could not have come at a more appropriate time. This publication consisting of contributions across Central Asia and South Asia adds to the slender collection of literature in understanding the present challenges and concerns that grip these regions in achieving the Millennium development goals by 2015. It highlights sharp gender inequalities and the barriers to social and economic development that grip the region. This book will be a great source of information in helping scholars and researchers and also will contribute significantly in framing policy recommendations by the concerned countries.
ISBN - 9788182747166
Pages : 310
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