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  Mastering Visual Studio .NET 2003

Mastering Visual Studio .Net 2003

by Ian Griffiths, Jon Flanders, Chris Sells

  Price : Rs 95.00
  Your Price : Rs 80.75
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  Mastering Visual Studio .NET provides you, as an experienced programmer, with all the information needed to get the most out of the latest and greatest development tool from Microsoft. It doesn\`t matter if you\`re an MFC, C++, STL, ATL, COM, Win32, Visual Basic, C#, HTML, XML, ASP.NET, database, web application, Web service, NT service, stand-alone client, or component programmer targeting Windows or one of the Windows variants (i.e. Windows CE or the PocketPC) -- this is the book that will help you master the toolkit.
Written by experienced developers and trainers John Flanders, Ian Griffiths, and Chris Sells, Mastering Visual Studio .NET begins with fundamental information about maximizing the power of Visual Studio .NET as it comes out of the box, including the following topics:projects and solutions
files and the various file editors
web projects
database projects
setup projectsTo experience the full spectrum of functionality and extensibility, Mastering Visual Studio .NET provides you with the practical depth and detail needed to best put these features to work. The second section of the book is about extending VS.NET to suit your specific needs:integrating controls and components with VS.NET
the VS.NET automation object model
macros and add-ins
custom wizards
the Visual Studio Integration Program (VSIP)If you\`re serious about using the VS.NET toolkit, you\`ll want a book of this magnitude close by. Mastering Visual Studio .NET will take you beyond what you\`ll read in the standard documentation by offering hints and recommendations that the authors and the community at large have found to be useful after many years of experience.
Sample Chapter Chapter 7:
Integrating Components with Visual Studio .NET (PDF)
About the Authors
Ian Griffiths is an independent WPF consultant, developer, speaker and Pluralsight instructor and a widely recognized expert on the subject. He lives in London but can often be found on various developer mailing lists and newsgroups, where a popular sport is to see who can get him to write the longest email in reply to the shortest possible question. Ian maintains a popular blog at http://www.interact-sw.co.uk/iangblog/ and is co-author of \`Windows Forms in a Nutshell\` and of \`Mastering Visual Studio .NET\`.
Although Jon Flanders spent the first few years of his professional life as an attorney, he quickly found chasing bits more interesting than chasing ambulances. After working with ASP and COM, he made the move to .NET. Jon is most at home spelunking, trying to figure out exactly how .NET (specifically ASP.NET and Visual Studio .NET) works. Deducing the details and disseminating that information to other developers is his passion.
Chris Sells is a Microsoft Software Legend and a Program Manager with the Distributed Systems Group at Microsoft. He is a frequent speaker at Microsoft events and a contributor to MSDN Magazine. He is author of the best-selling .NET developer title Windows Forms Programming in C#, and well as a companion VB version, and he is co-author of Mastering Visual Studio .NET. His weblog at http://www.sellsbrothers.com is popular with .NET developers for its zany and independent commentary on technology and geek culture. ISBN 9788173665707

Pages : 420
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