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  Murach`s VB.NET Database Programming with ADO.NET

Murach`S Vb.Net Database Programming With Ado.Net

by Anne Prince, Doug Lowe

  Price : Rs 925.00
  Your Price : Rs 786.25
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  If you know the VB.NET basics, this book teaches everything else you need for developing and deploying database applications with Visual Basic .NET and ADO.NET, the new data access method for the .NET platform. That includes Windows as well as web applications, and both two-tiered and three-tiered applications. Along the way, you`ll learn how to use typed and untyped datasets, bound and unbound controls, data views, parameterised queries, and more. You`ll also learn how to use XML for defining data structures, Crystal Reports for developing reports, and the Server Explorer for working with a database. If you`re a VB.NET programmer who wants to learn database programming with ADO.NET at a professional level here`s a new book that presents all the skills you need in a logical progression from the simple to the complex. And because our books have features that you won`t find in competing books, you`ll learn faster and better. Here`s how we do it:

This book presents everything you need to know to develop VB.NET database applications at a professional level. That sounds simple. But to get all of this information from other sources would take you 3 or 4 other books plus the Microsoft documentation¦and you`d still have to figure out how it all worked together!

To show you how all of the pieces of a database application interact, this book presents 21 complete applications ranging from the simple to the complex. This includes the forms, the code, and the property settings. As we see it, the only way to master database programming is to study applications like these. And yet, you won`t find them in other books.

If you page through this book, you`ll see that all of the information is presented in "paired pages," with the essential syntax, guidelines, and examples on the right page and the perspective and extra explanation on the left page. This helps you learn faster by reading less...and this is the ideal reference format when you need to refresh your memory about how to do something. ISBN 9788173669217

Pages : 610
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