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  How to Play Cricket

How To Play Cricket

by Sir Don Bradman

  Price : Rs 275.00
  Your Price : Rs 247.50
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`Play the game wholeheartedly, with spirit and zest, and play to win, but, irrespective of the outcome, always treat your opponents as you would have them treat you, and play it as a sport. In other words, play cricket in the fullest meaning of the term.`

Here is the art of cricket by one of the greatest in the game, the acknowledged master. Written in the delightful style of the Don, How to Play Cricket includes instruction on batting, grip and the different storkes, bowling, fielding and running between wickets.

This book includes the original stop-motion photographs which show the strokes and positions of Bradman`s own game. Collector`s edition!

`In this book I have advocated what I conscientiously believe to be the best and most effective method of playing the grand old game and as far as possible I play 100 per cent along the lines set out in this volumne.

Herein you will find no difficult scientific explanations. I have purposely avoided them. Practical common sense in one`s play is very often more effective than any textbook can be.`

Sir Donald George Bradman, (1908-2001), is widely acknowledged as the greatest Test batsman in the history of the game. His career Test batting average of 99.94 is often cited as the greatest achievement in any major sport.

The story of how young Bradman practiced with a cricket stump and a golf ball is part of cricketing folklore. His meteoric rise to the Teat team took just two years. He captained the team for twelve years and did not lost a single rubber.

ISBN - 9788122205497

Pages : 184
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